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The ability to adapt to digitalization and the COVID-19 pandemic has been key to the success and survival of many companies. The coronavirus has taught us to be more cautious, more  careful, more responsible and, above all, more digital. This has provided  a strong impetus to the digital transformation process,  in which the  automotive sector was already immersed.

The SERES Foundation  highlights   that the percentage of Spanish companies that have started a digital  transformation process is between 40 and 45%. In this context,  iDocCar  offers you  a  complete process management tool  . Our software allows the transformation of the manual processes of the dealers into processes managed by automated tasks and digital files.

Our customer portfolio  includes  large car dealerships with brands  such as Kia, Toyota, Porsche, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz,  Land Rover and the Volkswagen Group. Today, we want to tell you firsthand the customer experience of one of our clients: Volkswagen Group Retail Spain (VGRS).

Volkswagen Group Retail Spain and iDocCar: A Success Story

Volkswagen Group Retail Spain has been one of our big customers  since  June 2019, when we contracted (for the first  time) our digital process management software dedicated  to the automotive industry.  The VGRS network is made up of 58 facilities  spread throughout the nation and includes Audi, Volkswagen, Volkswagen commercial vehicles, SEAT and Škoda brands.

VGRS’ satisfaction with our  product led them to expand our  collaboration. In 2020, they added the management of the digitalization of document signatures through  iDocCar  Sign, which allows the integration of different signature certifiers. They also added iDocCar  Scan, which digitally scans documents from mobile devices; saving time, safely storing documents and avoiding losing documents. Today, after more than a year of using the tool, we can proudly say that the results for the subsidiary of Porsche Holding  Salzburg are very positive.

As part of its global digitalization strategy, and with the help of iDocCar software, Volkswagen Group Retail Spain has consolidated its administrative management into two shared services centers. One is located in Barcelona, managing the eastern and southern areas. The other is in Madrid, managing the central and northern areas.  Both bring together the tasks that were previously managed in 10 designated centers. Overall, VGRS is savings about 1.5 million euros in its first year and a half of this operation.

Even more interesting, is their cost reduction. Thanks to the digitalization of management processes, there is now a 90% increase in the efficiency of campaign/incentive management. Plus, a savings of about  200 000 Euros in printing and paper. This doesn’t even take into account the benefits this has on the environment . VGRS has also pointed out additional benefits that the integration  of  all Stakeholders has had in the process:

  • The centralization of activities
  • A breakthrough in digitalization and automation
  • The creation of defined and controlled processes
  • Greater efficiency and significant cost savings
  • Greater compliance with internal policies aligned with brand objectives

Thanks to the iDocCar solution, more than 400  employees not only manage the files of a variety of brands completely online, but they also  sign sales contracts digitally. Always  with full legal and security guarantees.

How does iDocCar contribute to the  digital transformation  of  VGRS?

iDocCar’s   digital process manager optimizes, standardizes, and digitalizes all processes associated with the life of a vehicle. Thus, iDocCar has transformed the manual processes  of the Austrian firm into digital processes,  allowing numerous   advantages such  as:

  • The standardization of the processes to define in a clear, simple, and without deviation, the processes related to all types of sales
  • Greater control by integrating  all the information between departments and  allowing  online access to the documents of all the people involved in the sale and approval process
  • Better monitoring and auditing of the sales process thanks to the cloud, compatibility with the main document management systems on the market, and unlimited user access
  • Ability to carry out remote procedures from any location on any device, in real time
  • The automation of internal and external processes with defined stages and tasks
  • The simplification of routine tasks via iDocCar SIGN and iDocCar SCAN.
  • Ease and security in all the procedures of the tool, as guaranteed by ISO 27001, TISAX and AEAT
  • Efficiency of the processes, eliminating manual errors,  the loss of documents and reducing  search and management times

All Parties Talk about the Success Story

Miguel  Morenés, co-founding partner of  iDocCar, points out,  “the new paradigm shift has accelerated the now mandatory need for digitalization  of the sector’s processes. Thanks to the collaboration of the companies, VGRS has managed to anticipate the new demands of the market and is more and better prepared to face the challenge posed by the current social context and the needs of the market  and the possible changes in the sales models of vehicles in the future”.

This vision is shared by Joaquín Jover, General Director of VGRS, who added that “it is a priority and our social responsibility to protect both our customers and our employees. The benefits obtained from the implementation of  iDocCar  is a  milestone towards  an innovative model  in  integral process management that places  VGRS as a pioneer of a new system more efficient and complete in each of the processes of the vehcile’s life cycle”. Thanks to the efforts of everyone involved, dealers  can respect social distancing rules by minimizing the  need for travel or physical contact, while streamlining all processes.”

Miguel Blanco, CIO of VGRS,  also highlights this collaboration as a success story, adding to Jover’s words that  “the solution of a digital signature combined with the document management platform has provided us with a great tool to accelerate our global  digitalization strategy”.


At iDocCar  we want to help you in the digital transformation of your dealers. Now that you know a success story  like Volkswagen  Group  Retail  Spain, why wait? Start the  digitalization of processes with us.